Melges 24s Get Ready to Race the 2007 Northeast District Championship in Annapolis

Annapolis, Md.; Eastport Yacht Club - Nineteen Melges 24 teams are registered, weighed and ready to race at the Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) for the 2007 M24 Northeast District Championship (NEDC) in Annapolis, Md. This event is the leading edge of a triple powerplay of international regattas for the Melges 24 Class — the 2008 North American Championship, 20-26 October and 2009 Melges 24 World Championship, 20 October - 1 November.

Everyone spent the vast majority of the day traveling, launching and setting up with lots of preparation, tough weigh-in sessions for some and the daunting, but very necessary registration process. EYC on the other hand kept things very relaxed and enjoyable. A truly laid back atmosphere, EYC has got this fleet under control. "For those that were unable to make this event, it is certain they will miss out on some great racing. The forecast, courtesy of one of our event sponsors NOAA is calling for breeze-on competitors so, we will definitely be experiencing planing conditions,' bragged Regatta Chair and USMCA Northeast District Governor Bill Carleton. "This event will prove just how great the NAC and Worlds will be in the coming years."

As the rain fell around midday and on into the afternoon, a few teams headed out to event sponsor Gale Force Sailing's clinic oblivious to the wet stuff and determined to prepare as much as they possibly could for tomorrow's heated competition.

The first warning for the regatta sounds at 10:30, 20 October. With some heavy duty breeze on the way, one would anticipate the Melges 24s will see a minimum of three races. Racing continues through until Sunday.

In addition to the overall competition, the extremely enthusiastic Corinthian division sponsored by Quantum will be scored as well. Of the nineteen boats, six to as many as ten are expected to qualify. The Melges 24 Corinthians are celebrated amateur sailors that institute and solidify the bulk of the USMCA membership.

Stay tuned to the USMCA Web site ( as daily reports and results will be published.

The 2007 Melges 24 Northeast District Championship ( is proudly sponsored by Annapolis Performance Sailing (, Gale Force Sailing (, (, North Sails ( and NOAA ( Quantum Sails ( is the official sponsor of the 2007 Melges 24 NEDC Corinthian Competition. The 2007 NEDC is honorably hosted by the Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) ( EYC is also the chosen host of the 2008 Melges 24 North American Championship on 20-26 October, and the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship on 20 October - 1 November.