Melges 24 Word Spreads to Guadaloupe

The latest placed from which we have news of the speading Melges 24 word is the Caribbean Island of Guadaloupe where Melges 24 FRA612 CARAIBE GREMENT, owned by Philippe Leconte, was victorious in this past weekend's Triskell Cup.

With racing over four days from 1-4 November Philippe Leconte and his team were sailing against much larger boats in the principle racing class, however, you can clearly see from the picture that CRAIBE GREMENT was more than capable of holding her own and not only took the reggatta on handicap but also impressed the fleet by beating many of the bigger boats on the water.

For further information and full results please visit WWW.TRISKELLCUP.COM

Our thanks to Tim Wright at WWW.PHOTOACTION.COM for the use of this image. Check out Tim's web site for more great pictures.