Melges 24 Wins Sailing Anarchy Award

A big thank you to those nice people at Sailing Anarchy who have voted the Melges 24 Best Sports Boat in their highly entertaining 5th Annual SAs.

Their comments about the award were - "The 15 year old Melges 24 shows no signs of slowing down and proves to be the platform and the template for a modern sportboat. The class shows great strength and strong competition. This year has been marked, however, by the people trying to extend the use of their Melgi in such adventures as the Chicago to Mackinac run unofficially shadowing the racing fleet, racing one from Maui to Oahu, or bastardizing one for a canter conversion."

This award is particularly nice as it acknowledges not only those who compete on the international circuit but also those who like to experiment with their boats and just love sailing their Melges 24s. Well done to everyone out there for continuing to make the Melges 24 the success it is.

Check out the full list of awards at