Melges 24 European Championship - Competitor Update No 1



Dear 2009 Melges 24 European Championship Competitors

Welcome to competitor update No 1!  Now that the entry is closed and we are in the final two-week approach to the regatta we will use these updates to remind you about important matters as you prepare for the event.   

Firstly we are delighted to confirm that we have a total entry of 90 teams from 16 countries - a record for the Melges 24 Europeans!  Hyeres is a fantastic venue and we’re looking forward to a great week’s sailing and socialising and to crowning our new European and Corinthian European Champions.

As you prepare for the event please take note of the following important information.  If you have any questions or need assistance please contact:-




Illegal FittingThe integrity of the class is based on sound rules with everyone adhering to them. At both the Europeans and the Worlds there will, as always, be close scrutinizing of all the boats to ensure that the class rules are being complied with. Please make sure that you have checked you boat and that you have downloaded the latest CLASS RULES to ensure that you will have no problems. Remember the basis of the rules is “If it does not say you can – then you can’t”. This applies to everything so do check that the good idea you have is specifically allowed.

Some people like to try new fittings without checking the rules and this can cause problems. As an example, the fitting shown in the photograph would be classed as illegal because it is not a permitted fitting and under class rule C.7.2(a)15 it is not over a fitting. The hiking line is not a fitting. Please check your boats now and avoid problems later as the measurers will require you to remove or rectify anything illegal.


Illegal HikingIllegal HikingPlease remember that the Melges 24 Class has rules that specifically govern hiking 24 and the International Jury will be watching for infringements on the water.  Please read IMCA Technical Advisor David Chiver's HIKING RULE NOTES where you will find explanatory notes and photos showing legal and illegal hiking methods (the method in the photo right is most definitely illegal!).


One residence has just let us know that they still have a flat available during the regatta. The flat is about 500m from the club so if your crew is still looking for accommodation please contact Isabelle at: 0033 494 58 03 55 or 


Those of you who submitted your full crew lists with correct ISAF IDs, Classifications and Expiry Dates (ie valid until at least the last day of the championship) have been included in the Corinthian entry list, which has now been submitted to the ISAF Sailor Classification Commission for checking.

Once the ISAF team has conducted its initial checks we will publish a provisional Corinthian entry list (hopefully early next week).  The final Corinthian entry list will not be published until after the Classification Interviews have taken place during registration in Hyeres.

Please note that ISAF Sailor Classification Commission Chairman Mr Antony Matusch will be attending the European Championship to conduct interviews with crew representatives from all Corinthian teams.  A schedule for these interviews will be published shortly.  Attendance for interview is compulsory and failure to attend will result in disqualification from the Corinthian Division.


Registration for the regatta will open on Friday 21 August, there will be practice racing on Sunday 23 August and Championship racing will run from Monday 24 to Friday 28 August. The social programme will include an official opening ceremony, après sailing gatherings, a gala dinner and prize giving ceremony. Hyeres is famous for its hospitality and looks forward once again to welcoming the Melges 24 teams.

The Notice of Race, Entry Form, accommodation and logistical information are all available from the official event web site

The event is most generously supported by official sponsors Vile d’Hyeres, Conseil General du Var, Conseil Regional PACA, Office du Tourisme d’Hyeres, Eurovoiles, Quantum Sail Design Group, Brasserie Le Tocco, X Voiles – Russo and Ricoh.

For further information about the 2009 International Melges 24 European Championship please visit the event web site or E-mail COYCH - or IMCA –