The last ranking event was sailed in the archipelago of Turku. Base harbour was at Airisto approximately 30 kilometers south from the city of Turku. The weather was a typical autumn weekend in Finland - rain, sunshine and losts of wind.

During the two days wind velocity varied from 4-15 m/s!

1.Marinel Mastervolt,FIN529 (2,1,DSQ,1,1,1)total 7 pts.
2.Seawind,FIN262 (1,2,1,2,3,2) total 8pts.
3.Sampo, FIN253 (3,5,4,3,2,4) total 16pts.
4.Marinel Maxpower, FIN214 (5,3,2,5,4,3) total 17pts.
5.Pohjola-Fonecta Finder, FIN434 (4,4,3,5,5,DNS) total 20pts.

Like one year ago the Finnish ranking champion was decided in the last event and start. Also what´s great the same two boats, Marinel Mastervolt and Seawind were fighting against each other coming up in the end in the ranking to have the tightest margin you can image between two boats - only 0.5 points! Remember that there were 7 events and 42 starts this year...

This year for the second time in the row the FINNISH MELGES 24 RANKING CHAMPION is MARINEL MASTERVOLT, FIN 529 helmed by Sami Ekblad and crewed by Kari Heikkilä, Tuija Huvila, Peter Lumme and Timo Lankinen. Total points 623,25.

Second in the ranking Seawind FIN 262 helmed by Joonas Päivärinta and crewed by Mika Packalen, Kim Westman and Risto Ajanko. Total points 622,75.

Third in the ranking Hydroll FIN 316 helmed by Johan Neovius and crewed by Mats Björklund, Matti Kallioinen and Nicke Risku. Total points 612.