Marc Hollerbach Wins Detroit NOOD

From the US Class - One has to admit, this is why we race the Melges 24! The kind of racing seen this past weekend in Detroit is definitely a shining example of "it ain't over, 'til it's over." Marc Hollerbach from Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan and his Fu crew leveled the playing field as they maintained a solid performance finishing thirteen points ahead of the second place boat!

For the last two races of the regatta, Sunday's excitement rolled the dice again on the M24 course with Mike Dow on Flying Toaster from Traverse City, Michigan; also the USMCA District Governor from the Midwest taking the bullets in both races! Right behind him was Hollerbach and overnight leaders Ken Gray and Pat Sagan on USA 175. Chuck Holzman on Flyer 02 managed to hold fast in third overall.

In the end, Hollerbach won the overall, followed by Gray/Sagan, then Holzman. Dow's awesome finish on Sunday pulled him up to fourth overall trailed by Marty Jensen on Moxie in fifth.