Its Time To Pay Your 2010 Membership Fees!

To race your Melges 24 at any event the owner and the helmsman must both be a member of the Class Association and its that time of year again when your membership fees are due so if you haven't done so already please take action now and contact your National Class Secretary to sign up.

The IMCA Rules governing this are in force at any and all regattas from club events through to championships and you can be protested by another competitor if you are racing your Melges 24 and have not paid your fees.  The relevant Class Rules are:-


B.2.1 The owner and helmsman shall be a current member of their NCA or, where there is no NCA in his country, a member of the ICA or and NCA nominated by the ICA 

B.2.2 Sails shall carry a Class Association Sail Label. 

Your fees are payable to your National Melges 24 Class Association.  If there is no National Melges 24 Class Association yet formed in your country please contact IMCA Administrator Fiona Brown on E-mail Fiona Brown who will be able to advise you on how to pay your membership fees.