Happy Birthday Melges 24 Germany

2010 sees the 15th Anniversary of the founding of the German Melges 24 Class so we'd like to take this opportunity to wish the German Class a very happy birthday and here's to the next 15 years of Melges 24 sailing in Germany.

Fifteen year ago Vittorio and Ulli Stroesek, the Melges24 dealers in this time, founded together with 5 owners the German Melegs24 Class Asscociation.  One of these enthusiasts, Mr. Edi Himmelsdorf, is still sailing his GER 156 on Lake Chiemsee.

Since those humble beginnings the German Melges 24 Class has gone on to become one of the most active and enthusiastic national classes in Europe.  The German Class has also played a vital role in helping other national Melges 24 fleets to develop with the Austrian, Swiss, Hungarian and Slovenian Classes all initially being nurtured under the wing of the German fleet until they had gained sufficient momentum to spin-off and form their own independent class associations.

Nowadays the German Class is administrating boats from Germany, The Netehrlands, Bulgaria and Denmark – in total we know 53 boats in this region and many of them are members of the Class Association.

To celebrate this very special anniversary the German Class has set up an attractive annual program for 2010 details of which can be found at www.melges24.de.