Good Morning from Day Two of the Volvo Worlds in Porto Cervo

It's day two of the Volvo Melges 24 World Championship in Porto Cervo and it's a wet and humid one as you can see from our picture of the Piazza Azzura taken at 0915. The Race Committee has signalled a one hour postponement to give time for the weather to clear and the wind to come up. Right now the Volvo and Conte of Florence

Principle Race Officer Peter Reggio just popped by the press office to give us the heads up on the Committee's thinking. "We're going to send a boat out at 10. Right now we've got rain squalls and nothing we can work with. The forecast is 30-60 degrees and 7 knots but if the sun breaks through we might get sea breeze later." So it's a waiting game. We'll keep you updated as soon as possible.