German AGM Report

On 25th May the German Class held it's AGM 2007 and it was reported on the year 2006 and the planning for 2007, additional Jörn Petry was elected as represantive for the growing fleet in the Baltic Sea area.

It was discussed as well the matter "Swiss Class" and the members from Switzerland had prepared a kind of statement and compared the Melges24 class with others who tried to set up an independent Class Association. As long as the critical mass is not above 20 boats it seems to be better to stay in the way it is. Other class associations stopped their work and were re-integrated in Italian and German NCAs.

Therfore no decision was made - perhaps it would make sense to elect a Swiss represantive into the class management of the German NCA. - This could be done by e-mail easily.

It was confirmed that a Melges24 regatta in Switzerland would make sense and would help to let the class grow.