Following the AGM of the French class the Excecutive board has changed and Jean Sans is now the new President of the French Class. As Vice President, I will be in charge of all International relations.

The excecutive board is as follows:

Jean SANS President

Henri SAMUEL Vice President chargé de mission pour les relations internationales et la FFV

Dany MARCADET Vice President Chargé des relations avec les clubs

Benoit FEGER Secretaire General

Thierry EUDE Trésorier

Denis INFANTE Flotte Mediterannée

Serge MAURIN Flotte Atlantique et Manche

Philippe LIGOT Communication interne de la classe

François DAUMONT Webmaster

As you are aware Magali JOUSSELIN is our appointed secretary since the Spring time and will assist the organising team of the next World Championship.

Information provided by Henri Samuel as reported from the French AGM.