Finnish Class Update - June 06

From the Finnish Class Association - Already two Finnish Melges 24 rankings behind the Finnish Melges 24 fleet-. The second ranking event was raced on the 20th and 21st of May. Three races in two days and in all in really different conditions. The fleet got fog, rain, sunshine and wind velocity varying from 1 to 5 m/s. Tönu Töniste & co had good speed and tactics in light wind but the fleet mixed around in the third start when the wind started picking up.

In the Finnish overall ranking after two events it seems that the ranking win this year will be a tight fight between 4-6 boats!

Next Finnish Melges 24 ranking in Helsinki on the 1st & 2nd of July. In between the fleet will be having weekly races in Helsinki. After this a three week break and then the Nordic Championships / Finnish Nationals in the spectacular achipelago of the Åland island district. See more and "upcoming events".

Finnish Ranking Results After Two Events