Exciting Melges 24 News from Hungary

Hungary has been the scene of much exciting Melges 24 activity in the past few weeks. Firstly the Melges 24 was displayed at the “Pannon Boat Show” in Budapest and was a real success; the Melges 24 received the “Best Racing Boat in the Show” award. There were a lot of professional sailors interested and also very exited about the fact that the Melges 24 will be officially present in Hungary. Virtaully all the Hungarian sailing magazines are interested in writing about the boat and the Hungarian class will supply them with information and pictures for the articles.

Having spent a very intense week of training with Nicola Celon and Raimondo Tonelli on Lake Garda, to get as much knowledge of the boat and the tuning of the sails as possible, the first Hungarian Melges 24 team took delivery of their new boat just a few weeks ago and they are very keen to get familiar with it as soon as they can. They did not loose a moment, and as soon as the ice melted on Lake Balaton, they took the ’lady’ for a sail. The team will be participating at numerous international events helmed by Arpad Litkey, Hungarian Champion in various boat classes and ex-Tornado sailor.

For more information about sailing Melges 24s in Hungary please E-mail Peter Kocsis.
or E-mail Marta Weores