Euros Website Now Updated and Thanks to Gunter

IMCA Secretary and Europeans organising committee chairman Günter Tzeschlock has been hard at work updating the dedicated Melges 24 2007 Europeans Web Site which now carries all sorts of interesting and useful info and links. As well as archiving all the official results and press releases there are also links to Justin Chisholm's great reports, various photo galleries and other interesting information.

We'd like to take this opportunity to say a very special thank you to Günter for all his incredible hard work in organising the Europeans. This is the second time he has headed up the organising committee for a major international championship as he also organised the 2002 Worlds in Travemuende and his experience and expertise were invaluable. Organising a world or continental championship takes a huge amount of time and dedication and the IMCA is very grateful to all those individuals who give up their free time to organise these very special events.

Click here to check out the updated Euros Web Site