Europeans Accommodation & Entries Update

Accommodation is starting to become very short for the Europeans and although some accommodation is still available you need to book right now to secure something. Gunter Tzeschlock of the German Class has been working very hard on this matter for us and has added some new information about locations with 10-15 minutes drive of Neusdtadt to help you get the best deals possible. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS.

Everyone is also very late in getting their entries submitted for this event. So far 44 entries have been received and we know that more than 70 boats plan to race so please take action on this now and REGISTER ONLINE. Also please remember that the final closing date for entries is 20 June - less than 2 weeks away. Any entries after this date will be at the discretion of the Race Committee and if accepted will be subject to a Euro 250 late entry fee.