000 saw huge improvements in the quality of class communications with the launch of www.melges24.com and the publication of the first edition of M24 magazine. The web site is now established and we've had great feed back from all sorts of sources.
The first edition of M24 magazine was published in November and again we've already had lots of nice calls and e-mails from people pleased to see us producing a professional quality magazine which really conveys the Melges sailing message. The magazine is circulated as widely as possible to journalists, sailmakers, suppliers, sponsors and event organisers as well as class members and the builders are also making good use of it as a marketing tool at boat shows and in their enquiry response packs.
Both the site (with the linked national sites) and M24 are playing a vital role in explaining just how much work is going on behind the scenes to promote the class, organise really good events, establish and maintain effective management and rule control systems and provide the information the sailors need to enjoy their sailing. I hope we are carrying all the key information you need but if you can think of anything else you'd like us to add just shout and we'll look straight into it.
We have just instigated a new policy of regular global press releases. The first release, about the class reaching 500 boats, was circulated to everyone on our press e-mail list in mid December and already most of the key sailing web sites have carried the story. Keep an eye out for magazines carrying the news in their Jan/Feb issues. Our next releases will cove Key West and announce the new International and Continental Circuits and Ranking Systems (see below for more on this).
Our designer Joy Dunnigan is in the process of moving to a new web site server in order to improve the service and technical support we receive. As soon as this is complete the final key elements will be put in place (these include visitor registration, crew finder, discussion forum, etc) and we will finally be fully up and running.
The second edition of M24 will go to print in April 2001 for distribution in early May. We already know that it will carry regatta reports from Key West, SORC and the SNIM Regatta as well as info on the new rules which come into force on 1 March, updates from the National Classes, reviews of forthcoming events and what ever news, gossip and happenings are current at the time. Anyone with ideas for a story or really good photographs should get in touch as we are always looking for contributors.
Our Technical Consultant David Chivers is just finishing the revisions to the Regatta Regulations and these will be available from mid January. We'll get them posted on the site as soon as possible but since it is now a very large document it may take a couple of weeks for Joy to get everything up so please bear with us. If anyone needs a copy very urgently because they are planning a major event please let me know and I'll arrange to get you an advanced copy on disk.
We have started a global PR, Marketing & Sponsorship review and will be working hard on this subject in 2001. Obviously we have to balance the available budget with the work we need to undertake but the IMCA Executive Committee have been able to release some funds and we will be working with the builders and National Classes to make the best use of resources available. We are always on the look out for innivotive ideas for promoting the class so anyone with suggestions should get in touch.
The Exec Committee and World Council AGM minutes, Financial Reports, etc, are now all being posted on the web site so that the you can clearly see exactly what the class officers are up to on your behalf. We hope that this open approach will help to ensure all the members feel both informed and that they have a chance to have their views heard.
Jim Schwerdt from Melges Racing is working with us to help develop an International, North American and European Ranking System. We will be using the ranking system ISAF operate for their Olympic Classes rankings and will be publishing the rankings on the web site.
There is a great programme of international events planned for 2001 and we'll be covering all of them on the site. The first event we'll report in depth is Key West, followed by SORC and SNIM. Obviously the Worlds, Europeans and North American Gold Cup will be major features and we'll attend as many other events as possible as well as carrying regatta reports when ever they are submitted to us.
Please keep feeding us information and news stories for the site and magazine, particularly in the periods between big regattas. We are always interested to have stories about interesting or famous people joining the class, increases in the size of fleets, unusual or fun events you are planning, the strange things people get up to with their Melges 24 (so long as we wont be in trouble with the decency laws) and general gossip so keep in touch and let us know if you want to see something particular on the site.
Finally Joy and I would like to thank you all for your help and support in getting the site and magazine up and running. It's been very hard work but immensly enjoyable to work with such a fun bunch of people on such an interesting and exciting project. We're really looking forward to 2001 and to developing plans for the future to help ensure the Melges 24 remains the top high performance one design keelboat in the World.
To contact me just E-mail or telephone +44 (0)7711 718470. All input and feedback will be gratefully received.