M24 – Since we saw you in Key West, where you were helming the Melges 24 for the first time, what have you been doing to get so good at Melges sailing?

Shark – "A lot of Melges sailing! In the past 8 months since Key West we’ve done about 60 days sailing. We’ve done a lot of smaller regattas, we did San Diego Regatta, a lot of regattas up here, two on the Berkeley Circle and four on the City front and we’ve done a lot of training in Hawaii with Dave Ullman and my Dad."

M24 – So what’s the secret of your success today and how do you feel the regattas going?

Shark – "Richard, Crusty, Hutch & Brian – my crew. I don’t want to get too hyped up about it, we’re in second and we want to keep that up. I’m just really lucky to be able to do this because of my Dad who offered me the opportunity and I just want to keep doing it."

M24 – Looking ahead what are you hoping to doing over the next few years with your sailing.

Shark – "More Melges sailing. Start the 49er. I’d like to train for an Olympic campaign in eight years or may be four years."

And finally here's what Shark's crew Richard Clark has to say about his skipper:

"He sails the boat flat and fast and he really concentrates. He’s put in a lot of time on the water and he has natural ability and being so young he’s got plenty of room to develop. We're also lucky that we have the back up of the whole Pegasus project and that Philippe is so supportive of Shark's campaign."