Come And Sail With The Norwegian Fleet!

Why sail in Norway ?

  • Driving to Norway is on very good roads with no traffic jams
  • Sailing in Norway is often windy and rarely days with no wind and postponements
  • Sailing is fair and by the rule book - no aggressive unfair crashes are to be expected
  • Sailing management are done by earlier Melges sailors
  • The social side is very well organized
  • Every international participant will if they want get a Norwegian team as there contact
  • All Norwegians speaks fluently English
  • All over Norway paying by card is the standard
  • The fleet are growing - you will meet some very professional teams - the best Corinthian 2008 -2009 and lots of Olympic sailors as well as World Champions from other classes
  • Fleets at 40+ are expected on Alfa Romeo Cup 3 and 5 - first week in July - and second weekend of September
  • Living can be organized from very affordable to high standard
  • Norwegians love to entertain and relate to international teams
  • The Norwegian class club are very active and will promote your participation if you have a sponsor who likes to be visible
  • You will have as shot a love with Alfa Romeo
  • There will be participants from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Finland and Estonia
  • The food is international kitchen and wines are from all over the world - and you will probably get the best beer ever

If this does not attract you - in Norway you will meet polar bears - or not. The climate in the summer is very nice, and in September you can expect sailing in shorts as well as having days with full power. for details and entry