Clarification on Class Rules Governing Instruments

The electronic instruments available to sailors have greatly improved over the last few years and often reduced in size and power requirements. I am often asked whether a certain device is legal in the class. Recently I have been asked about handheld GPS units and speed recorders. The class rules state:

C.2.2 Optional.

1. Electronic timing devices.

2. Navigation lights, tactical and navigation instruments and their associated power sources.

It is number 2 that particularly concerns us. Associated power sources can obviously be anything from a small watch battery to a large battery and wiring fixed into the boat. To work out navigation and tactics it is usual to take into consideration, position, heading, speed, leeway, current etc. Therefore you may use any of the devices on the market including handheld or installed GPS units and any type of speed recording device. If in doubt, ask yourself if the instrument can be used for tactics or navigation. If it can, then it is legal.