Big Breeze & Big Excitement In Key West

With just two more days of racing to go at Acura Key West Race Francois Bernac at the helm for Philippe Ligot on Partner and Partners now leads the Melges 24 fleet, just two points ahead of Tuesday's leader Chris Rast at the helm for Franco Rossini on Blu Moon. Melges 24 fleet veteran and sailing legend, Dave Ullman is another two points behind hanging on to third place overall on Pegasus 505.

After a light airs start to the regatta the wind filled in with avengance on day two and the sixty strong fleet found themselves struggling to cope with heavy gusts and difficult seas as spinnakers were shredded and a number of rigs bit the dust. Day three brought more strong winds and although the race committee got one race completed successfully the conditions worsened and they were forced to abandon attempts at a second start and send the boats home early.

For full reports and all the latest information from Acura Key West Race Week please visit WWW.USMELGES24.COM.