From Andy Burdick - Lets roll your Melges 24 to Florida for the winter of 2003. The Big 3 are established and ready for your participation. The Melges 24 Winter Series will kick off in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jacksonville Kings Day Melges 24 Championship (16-17 Nov) – Simply put, this is a great venue to sail out of. The Florida Yacht Club is a beautiful facility and they love M24 sailors. The sailng is "inland style" meaning it is a large body of water surrounded by plenty of shoreline. Takes just a few minutes to get to the race course. The regatta offers 2 days of racing with some of the best M24 sailors in the country.

Melges 24 Midwinter Championship – Key West Race Week ( Jan - If you have not done this regatta you better figure out a way to make it happen. This is the ultimate in sailboat racing. To start, Key West is a great venue. The race committee work is virtually flawless (the team that ran the Worlds last year will be running our course again this year). The night life is "active" shall we say. 2 races per day – Monday – Friday. Get down the weekend before Monday’s racing and get tuned up, organized and prepared for a ton of fun!

Miami Melges 24 Championship – Acura SORC ( (26 Feb - 2 Mar) - This event is back. Back full of excitement. The SORC committee has promised great racing and southern style hospitality. Miami Beach Marina will be the home for the Melges 24 this race weekend. Racing will be a Friday – Sunday format with registration being on Thursday.

Please E-mail Andy Burdick at Melges for finer details.