All Change For the Weather in Neustadt

What a difference a day makes! After yesterday's light airs and sunshine this morning we have rain and strong winds here at the Melges 24 Europeans at Rolex Baltic Week in Neustdat. With winds at a steady 25 knots and regularly gusting over 30 and with visibility down under a mile at times the Race Committee held the competitors ashore until 1130 as the waited to see what would happen with the weather.

Although still very windy and raining conditions have now abated somewhat and the competitors are going afloat ready for a start after 1230. Sadly the bad visibility means we cannot see the race area from the shore today but we understand that the Race Committee plan to use the two lap course with the longer windward leg to help ensure better separation of the fleet at the first mark which will be an important safety factor in today's strong winds.

Full reports and (if possible) photographs - will follow later.