In line with the 2001 changes to Class Rules C.1.2 and G.1.4 the IMCA is introducing a new register of official measurers. All registered measurers will be issued with an individually numbered class stamp. All sails measured from 1 March 2001 must carry the new stamp so measurers who have not yet received their stamps are asked to make urgent contact with Class Technical Advisor David Chivers. David can be contacted at e-mail or telephone +44 1206 305107.

The system will work slightly differently in each country depending on how that country’s National Authority sets up its measurement system. For example, in the UK each measurer is independent and registered with the Royal Yachting Association. In Germany and Denmark the National Authority operate a system of In Loft Measurers who may also be the sailmaker. We will have to work within each countries system. If you have any queries please contact David Chivers.